Monday, 15 September 2014

The basics on vitamins. (What they do and which foods they are in...)

Vitamin A

Function – supports vision, skin, bone, and tooth growth, immunity and reproduction.
Found in – mangos, carrots, butter-nut squash, pumpkin, broccoli, beef liver.

Vitamin B1

Function – supports energy metabolism and nerve function.
Found in – watermelons, tomatoes, spinach, soy milk, lean ham & pork chops, sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B2

Function – supports energy metabolism, normal vision and skin health.
Found in – spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, milk, eggs, liver, oysters, clams.

Vitamin B3

Function – supports energy metabolism, skin health, nervous system, and digestive system.
Found in – spinach, potatoes, tomatoes, lean ground beef, chicken breast, shrimp, tuna, liver.

Vitamin B6

Function – amino acids and fatty acid metabolism.
Found in – bananas, watermelons, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, spinach, chicken breasts, white rice.

Vitamin B12

Function – used in new cell synthesis, helps break down fatty acids and amino acids, supports nerve cell maintenance.
Found in – milk, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, shellfish.

 Vitamin C

Function – used in new cell synthesis, helps break down fatty acids and amino acids supports nerve cell maintenance.
Found in – mangos, orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberries, kiwi, spinach, broccoli, red bell peppers, snow peas, tomatoes.

Vitamin D

Function – promotes bone mineralization.
Found in – fortified milk, egg yolk, liver, fatty fish, via sunlight.

Vitamin E

Function – antioxidant, regulation of oxidation reactions, supports cell membrane stabilization.
Found in – polyunsaturated plant cells, avocado, cod, shrimp, tofu, wheat sunflower seeds.

Vitamin K

Function – synthesis of blood clotting, proteins regulates blood calcium.
Found in – spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, leafy green vegetables, liver.


Function – supports DNA synthesis and new cell function.

Found in – tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, okra, green beans, black eyed peas. 

Friday, 18 April 2014

- My (basic) remarks to ' Raspberry Ketone ' -

As you know with my I am very un biased and will tell you only the FACTS

First things first ' raspberry ketone ' or any form of tablet used in * Weight loss * is a Supplement and the Clues in the name these (IF USED) should only be used in conjunction with a Balanced Nutritional Intake alongside a Training Regime. The Clues in the name . . . . they can't * Supplement * A good Training Program & Nutritional Intake.
They wouldn't have the SLOGAN * Only works well in Conjunction with a Healthy Training Programme and Controlled Nutritional Intake * So who's to say that actually these work and is only one MASSIVE Business Cause ? (PLACEBO EFFECT) It's not a MAGIC TABLET that will Take fat off you . Otherwise you could eat what you want ? But that's not the case.
Anyhow the way in which they work. 'Ketone' contains a COMPOUND which can help speed up your Metabolism the rate of which your body burns calories . This can also be found in either Green Tea Extract or Caffeine . So I wouldn't waste your money or even BETTER go for a run on an empty stomach as this will also kick start your Metabolism for the day . Save you money ! And be Healthier instead of taking Tablets etc. . .
Also this is what is found on the bottle ...
- 'Read the fine print. If you have aging eyes like mine, pull out your "glasses" and read the small print on the raspberry key tone bottle. 

"This information has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, nor has it gone through the rigorous double-blind studies required before a particular product can be deemed truly beneficial or potentially dangerous and prescribed in the treatment of any condition or disease."

Supplements such as these are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, unlike medications, which undergo rigorous testing. The bottom line: Buyer beware.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

** Restrictive Health Fantasies **

Diets Let's Keep it Simple the Word Diet Officially Stands for ' An Individuals particular Nutritional Intake ' meaning your Diet will be different to my Diet, will be different to your friends Diet, that will be different to your family's Diet etc. . . and so on . . . So why in the HELL DO PEOPLE RESTRICT THEIR INTAKE for a numeric number on a Scale ?!? 

(That's CORRECT people ensure that the word DIET now means or is Equal to a RESTRICTIVE Nutritional Intake . This is Stupid . . . . Learn to re-educate your mind on whether you feel FULL or CONTENT . . . . )

Content means you eat till you no longer need that said food. (even if food is left on the plate i.e learn to sort your PORTION CONTROL OUT! etc . . . .) FULL means you're eating till BLOATED and thus the basics of WEIGHT-GAIN meaning your Stomach expands = EXCESS CALORIES = WEIGHT-GAIN! This is the majority of the U.K's problems . So Rule No.1 - has and always will be EVERYTHING IS GOOD FOR YOU IN THE CORRECT MODERATION AND PROPORTION ! 

Unless you are either 

1.) - Intolerant to that food or 

2.) Medically allergic to that food , then you should NEITHER RESRTICT or STOP eating FOOD ! = FACT ! Stupid Diets ! 

The Clues in the Name DIET look the 1st 3 Letters they Spell D.I.E . . . . Meaning YES 90% of these people who so called DIET as in RESTRICT FOOD will 1.) FAIL and 2.) Your putting your Health & Fitness at Risk so MEH ! No reason why you might Die ! In-fact the other day some friends of mine INFORMED me of a Girl who's been on Juice Plus for 2 Month collapsed in the Gym and got hospitalized and they don't have the Common sense to realize it's association with just Drinking Liquids I seriously am losing my Faith in a lot of people these days ! Listen to your Body 

Eat - Chew - Churn - Digest ! = Enjoy Food  

On another RANT NOTE it sickens me to think certain Nutrition Clubs shall we say Associate the word SIN with foods. Way to go in helping people gain the start of Eating Problems and Health Disorders!!! .. Your practically making your Meetings out to be Church like with this is an Angelic Food and this is a SINFUL Food = ALL WRONG! 

To all who are on Diets (restricting food) . I shall enjoy my Ice Cream , Steak , chocolate , Coffee etc . . . And still have an AWESOME PHYSIQUE! Unlike these who eat no meat and just fruit juices and veg . . . . Makes me laugh when they can't justify or see the wrongness in their ways. Hopefully they will realise ! Moderation and Proportion ! I've nailed it so can you ! I promise you FOOD IS NOT BAD FOR YOU  . . . But some will learnt he hard way when SLAMMING WEIGHT BACK IN and I stay a Healthy Weight all year round... 

- JLH - 

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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

** It's Simple . Until You Make It Complicated ! ** -

I'm Sick & Tired of Hearing People's status's Involving this Association with this apparent fact of Eating Healthy has an Association with Rabbit Food i.e . . . . Well guess what !? . . Well Done you've not just gone and started a serious cause for a possible Eating Problem/Disorder ! . . . You should NEVER restrict/refrain or Associate from not eating a certain type (Macro or Micro Nutrient) or kind of food. Unless you are either 1.) Have a Proven Intolerance to that particular food. & 2.) You have a proven Medical Allergy to that food. Why ? ! This causes a feeling off unrest / stress / beginnings of problematic eating disorders and many other problems just to name a few! . . . 

News Flash ! ! ! It has and always will be about ** Moderation & Proportion **! Chocolate is perfectly fine to eat! Red Meat (i/e bacon) is perfectly fine to eat! Many Cereals are Perfectly fine to eat ! Alcohol is perfectly fine to Drink . . . but have these on an EVERYDAY purpose then off course they will be bad for you ! Anything in a HUGE or TOO MUCH proportion is BAD FOR YOU ! Having Chocolate OR Ice-Cream Or Sweets etc... everyday , 7 days a week , 365 days a year course thats bad for you. Instead of Once a Week. Same goes for other Foods. . . . . 

It's learning to utilize your mental game and learn to go back to basics eat what you Enjoy . It's only Natural we're Humans its OK TO ENJOY FOOD AND EAT DIFFERENT THINGS ! NOT BLOODY RESTRICT ! THEM ! You are both stopping AND denying your body of its humanly Functions ! Like i say if you refrain from eating something because of your new found Slimming Diet or Juice Plus or Diet Club you will not only 1.) Start the path down a winding cycle of eating problems but 2.) You will SLAM it all back on once you've hit that Numeric Goal. 

Well Done you will have neither learnt how to control your Cravings , Control your Food Intake and you certainly will feel Depressed and Miserable knowing you've put it all back on ! 

Learn to Control your Eating ! It always have been about Moderation & Proportion ! Or in Bodybuilding terms some people may say If It Fits Your Macros etc . . . . 


Oooo . . . and FYI some people go on about they've lost 0.5lbs in a Week get a bloody grip we've all had greater toilet stops then that in the morning ; ) . . . (what you lost will be water weight!) Learn to lose weight the correct way ! 

Be a happier person both inside and out !  

Sunday, 30 March 2014


** Toxic People **

Seriously you dont ever have to feel guilty about removing so called (toxic) people from your Life. 

It doesn't matter whether someone is a relative, a romantic interest, an employer, childhood friend, or even a new acquaintance. You don't have to make room for people who cause you pain, or worst make you feel small.

It's one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and yet still continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go ! . . . 

It's not selfish to love yourself, or to even take care of yourself & to make your own happiness a Priority. It's actually necessary. Your circle of friends must match your own kinds of aspirations and dreams or even personalities , why? You will find little support when you need it most. As They may disregard something of which you wish to do. (Although !! I stand corrected as you do get a Select few, who no matter what their aspirations same OR different will support you know matter what.) 

Remember focus on the things you can Change and let go of the things you can't. But always !! keep in mind that things will happen to those who work for it! 

- JLH -


Friday, 28 March 2014

- Sleeping Patterns -

** Sleeping Patterns ** 

- Have a read, some thought provoking points...-

Listening to Phil Learney's Podcast this Morning and he makes a Superb point in regards to sleep patterns. Too many people DO NOT ensure that they get themselves up at a set time or get into a set sleeping pattern. For example I always wake up at about 5:30-6:00am . What's even more important is because I'm so used to this sleeping pattern (this will happen to others) is that your Body Clock will and should naturally wake up just before that set time (before your Alarm actually goes off) Why? . . . Because your body associates STRESS with the Sound of your Alarm and so wakes itself up about 3-5 minutes prior to it actually going off. 

So why is it at the Weekend we see people Sleeping in or Lying in ? When actually they should still even at the Weekend , wake up at their set time . Why ? Because it's the same theory as with Food. What your actually doing to your Body is 'BINGE SLEEPING' just like how people Binge Eat on Food. They're forcing their body back to sleep into an un-natural pattern of which it is NOT used to. Hence why we feel more groggy afterwards. Even worst what your really doing is making your Body Switch time zones. (from what it's normally used to) You may as well have been on a plane flight from New York to London as basically your giving yourself 'Jet Lag'. 

Better to wake up at your normal time and have a 30 mins Nap in the afternoon then force your body into another time zone off which it will have to try to go back to it's normal sleeping pattern on the Monday again. Have a think about that ? . . . 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

- ** What makes a Good Coach/Trainer in a Nutshell ? ** -

I think it's time to tell a lot of people on here and to be fair it's something that many people are afraid to say but it needs to be said. What is good coaching ? . . . 

Is it results ? Maybe . . . 

Is it helping someone achieve their goals ? Maybe . . . 

Is it helping someone realize that they need to change their Mentality and habits towards food ? Maybe again . . . 

The FACT is . A good Coach or Trainer should realize that ' All Results Will Be Different ! ' Why ? . . . Because everyone is different. Everyone is Unique. And because, ' NOT EVERYONE NEEDS THE SAME THING ! ' 

There is NOT one Chosen Correct Method ! And most certainly any Coach should not implement what works for them MUST CLEARLY work for their Client ? NO ! This is Wrong you have to work to THEIR NEEDS ! Being a Trainer should make the individual or client understand more about themselves and learn to understand how THEIR own body works . Ensuring that they soon become at Peace with their own Bodies. That IS REAL COACHING / TRAINING !

Not the one's who put pressure on Clients to feel like they MUST PERFORM a set * DIET or TRAINING in order to make them feel like some sort of Circus Animal, for the sole purpose of before and after photo's . They should be able to maintain and slowly develop their own Physique, understanding how, why, and what effects their own Body creating a longer / lasting / and overall more Confident Individual who is Confident for who they are, and not trying to be someone else for who they are not ! FACT ! 

Stop Striving to be EXACTLY as someone else ! You are NOT THEM ! try to be the BEST YOU CAN BE ! That's Good Coaching ! That's Good Training ! Your Fix starts with Mentality 1st ! The rest all fits / slots into place . . .

Monday, 24 February 2014

- The Right Reps -

If you thought a ‘rep’ was as simple as lifting a Weight and then putting it back down then read on for the full breakdown of what is actually required throughout 1 Rep.

1.)     A REPETITION or ‘rep’ is a complete movement of a specific exercise. It consists of a CONCENTRIC phase- in which the working muscle shortens, a transition phase – in which the muscle if fully tensed – and an ECCENTRIC phase – in which the muscle lengthens. All three are vital to making every repetition count.


2.)     CONCENTRIC PHASE. During this first section of the repetition, the working muscle shortens to pull the bones on either side of a joint closer together. In a bicep dumb-bell curl, this is the part of the rep that brings your forearms towards the bicep. The heavier the weight, the more muscle fibres will be activated with each rep.


3.)     TRANSITION PHASE. You should not consider the midway point of an exercise break. This is where the muscles are at peak contraction, so pause for a count of one to squeeze the muscle at its most tensed. This will recruit as many muscle fibres as possible, promoting bigger strength gains and faster results.


4.)     ECCENTRIC PHASE. The final part of the rep is by no means less important than the first. The lengthening of the muscle back to the start position does not fire as many muscle fibres, but it does place more stress on those that are activated. Constant tension is key to muscular growth, so don’t cut corners in this phase.






Ref. – Muscle Manual : Men’s Health

Thursday, 13 February 2014

** The Winter Olympics. Pointless Rich Sport? **

New Small Off Topic Article I've Written (Limited to 500 words) Your Feed-back would be much appreciated  - Many Thanks - JLH - 

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** The Winter Olympics. Pointless Rich Sport? **

For the past 90 years, we've been reluctant to gather together as a Nation every 4 years, to get behind our fellow man for something called ‘The Winter Olympics.’ As you’re all aware this would be as some put it the ‘Cold Olympics.’ But to my mind, they mean more than that. Are we missing a bigger picture?

Let’s start by saying. The Olympics. How many of you have had the chance to run 100m? Or in fact try your hand at Long Jump? Swimming maybe? Possibly more? Yes? This just goes to show how accessible ‘The Olympics Sports’ are. Nowadays, Sport is a part of every child’s normal day just as having breakfast is or getting homework from school, but not so much for the ‘Winter Olympics.’ But why is this? 

Let’s remember that Sport is a mandatory part of school life. Some Sports more accessible than others. But why? Is it money? Is it the weather? Or something else?

Often we can be quick to think that the ‘Winter Olympics’ is something only accessible to ones who live where Snow is available all year round, but this is not exactly the case. Snow is evidently available in Scotland, & also England. More so the Lake District and even Country Durham, but more commonly then not it’s the whole country that is inaccessible to snow. 

So now we have two growing facilities becoming openly more available to the public. A dry ski slope, or indoor snow slopes. Although this proves to show that individuals can try their hand at these. None the less it brings more problems.

These facilities prove very costly, expensive to use, and area specific. Who’s to say that a child from a family with ‘no expendable income’. Who can’t necessarily afford to go Skiing, would actually be the ‘Gold Medal Winner’ for Great Britain? Unlike say, a child brought up to have unlimited access to these facilities, because of their own families extra expendable income.

Why is it children take an interest in ‘Winter Sports’ themselves? Maybe because the fact their families were able to afford Skiing holidays and so were gradually introduced. Unlike the child who may have never seen a foreign Country in their life, never mind a Ski Slope. 

I’m not one to put a dower on our GB athletes, or state the games ‘are bad.’ They've certainly trained hard. I just want to point out a fact that’s been brought about before. Even being written. Especially in a book called ‘Bounce’ by Matthew Syed. Entailing that ‘social background matters.’ About being in the right place at the right time etc… 

So remember although yes, enjoy watching the ‘Winter Olympics’. Enjoy cheering on our Team GB. I myself will be watching avidly. After all it only comes around every 4 years. But always remember. Have a think. How did they even chose that Sport? And how’d they get there? 

- James Hatton

Saturday, 8 February 2014

- PERSONAL TRAINER - PET PEEVES ! - (Some Simple Truths!) -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

- So called 'Personal Trainers' who are neither Qualified nor 'Insured' to take Individuals, never mind Group Sessions for Fitness. You should NEVER have to Sign a basically 'DON'T SUE ME FORM!' prior to exercise if so ALARM BELLS SHOULD RING! THIS IS WRONG ! . . . 

- Personal Trainers Who DO NOT ! 'Practice what they preach !' You want to be Motivated to follow by example not led by bad example. = FACT!

- Personal Trainers Who are ADVOCATE/ASSOCIATES themselves with any kind of Liquid Diet or Replacement Scheme I'm talking Herb4Life/Juice Plus . Well Done on going against the VERY BASICS of what you should have learnt. (SHOULD BE ASHAMED!) Anything that replaces VALID SOLID FOODS ! Christ (I'll even give Weight-watchers a thumbs up instead of Liquid Diets! ¬_¬ ) Also I didn't realized you'd all had your teeth knocked out and were in need of Liquid food from Jaw being wired shut etc . . . . 

- Just because someone exercises ? Does this make them Personal Trainers ?! NO COURSE NOT ! Lets see some Credentials ! Are they Accredited ? Do they hold VALID LICENSES ? INSURANCE ? QUALIFICATIONS for CORRECT PURPOSE and More ! ? If they Don't why are you using/taking/ advice from them ?! . . . Beats me !

- PT's WHO DON'T further their Education! I learnt this the HARD WAY !YES I'm a PT/ YES I have a FD, but what else ohhhhh that's right i went off to study a Bsc(Hons) Why ? Your Clients want to be reassured they are getting the best. You need to stand out from the crowd. Consistent further Education not only helps you as an individual and improves your Knowledge but that knowledge can then be passed onto your Clients. Ask to see your PT's Credentials its YOUR HARD EARNED CASH! Don't be SCARED! 

- Personal Trainers who over step their reach and DON'T KNOW THEIR BOUNDARIES! If you don't know the answer to a specific question in regards to an individuals Health DON'T ANSWER. Pass them onto someone else who does. You will not only gain MORE RESPECT from that said individual but you not have put their Health at Risk trying to treat or Help something off which you know NOTHING ABOUT! Use the Community you have and people you know bounce of each-other and learn together rather than thinking EVERYONE IS THE ENEMY ! And thinking about MONEY or OH NO i'm losing out on MONEY ! 

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- Some people just make me think! Why the HELL did you become a Personal Trainer in the 1st Place ! -


---> JLH - Fitness <---

Saturday, 4 January 2014

- The Truth . . . The Actual Truth -

What's the single most 'REPEATED' question I get asked at least 8-10 every week ?!..

*Hi James , Hope your ok ? What's the easiest way for me to lose Weight please ?*...

And the thing is . . . Let me explain it's NOT EASY ! And their is NO QUICK AND EASY WAY ! = FACT ! Anyone who states differently , whether being a product , a service , a health professional is talking completely and utter BOLLOCKS ! . . . Why ? Let me tell you why . 

If I were to tell you that I James Hatton could get you to lose weight overnight or in 7 Days & keep it off . Christ i'd be a Billionaire and be all over the news but it's just not possible (Healthy wise anyways , but that's another story!) ... The fact is too lose weight it's not just a quick fix , it's a long hard road to work upon something , to work upon your craft , to work upon your goal , it's a Lifestyle Choice. Let me put this into perspective. 

To lose weight - To gain weight - To learn to power-lift - To become fit for a marathon , we 1st must learn to Crawl ... then learn to walk ... then learn to run ... then learn to Sprint ... - it's a step by step process that needs to be broken down and work your way back up...

When a baby begins to learn to talk they 'NEVER' instantly talk they spend months sometimes years watching , listening and learning their surrounding movements and noises, off which they then learn to interpret into 'SPEECH' after months & months they learn *their 1st word* . The same goes for if we move a few years ahead. when you're in Reception / Primary School and you begin to learn your 1st word. Normally your name ... do you learn it straight away ? No course not you begin by learning the alphabet of which once you know you can then learn to spell out your name and even then you do it phonetically... etc... You want to learn to play football ?... You 1st must learn to CONTROL the ball ... move the ball ... why does it move the way it does ... learn to work as a team ... understand the rules <--- there's far more to the Answer then the simple question seems...

so let's go back to ,

* Hi James , Hope your ok ? What's the easiest way for me to lose weight please ? * . . . 

There is no simple answer . . . we 1st must look into Consultation work ? Do you have allergies ? Medical problems ? Your Nutritional intake ? Why do you eat as you do ? What's your food likes/dislikes ? Your work schedule ? Your free-time available to work-out ? Your surrounding environment and family affairs ? Have you even been to the gym before ? What stopped you ? And Hundreds more . . . . we 1st must break DOWN BARRIERS BEFORE BUILDING THEM BACK UP ! = FACT ! . . 

It's taken me Minimum 4 years or HARD LEARNING (books & learning & qualifications) PRACTICE - TRIAL & ERROR - and LEARNING FROM MISTAKES AND LEARNING FROM OTHERS + MOST IMPORTANTLY WORKING MY ARSE OF 24/7 (LIFESTYLE) ALONGSIDE GETTING MY NUTRITION RIGHT ! To be in the place that I am . . . . It's not Easy and it is Hard but you know what it's WORTH IT ! change your mind ! Change your Life ! 

- JLH - JLH - Fitness -