Sunday, 1 January 2012

2012 New Year New You ! - Fad Diets The Facts !

January Diets.

Well here we are Welcome to 2012 I hope you all had a great 2011 and have much to look forward to in the forcoming year.

As alot of you im sure are aware January is the time for when many of us decide to CRASH Diet, wheather it be for personal reasons or perhaps its one of your new year resolutions or maybe it is just that time of year where you feel you've over indulged at Christmas time.

First things first, their is never a bad time to start dieting. If anything January is the best time to start. Your feeling fresh, youve turned over a new leaf, and 2011 is now but history. However January can also be a killer for people wanting to crash Diet ESPECIALLY for the ladies.

In January of every year Kelloggs brings our what is called the Special K diet. It is advertised using a brunette lady wearing a red dress showing that apparently if you eat our Cereal you will reap the rewards of shredding pounds. But unfortunately here are the facts. Most women who try this Diet will fall at the first hurdle, on average 80% of women will never last the first week. Reason being the secret to their Diet is changing your meal plan and reducing your calorie intake. their are 3 things IMMEDIATELY WRONG with that statement.

1. They make you eat Special K 40g bowl serving icl milk - twice a day once for breakfast and again at lunch for up to 6 weeks. ( This means your body will be living on nothing but simple carbs, sugar, and lactose. Their is no protein, no vitimins and no minerals. )

2. You still get one meal a day granted, evening meal this again must be nutrious however you should be eating a balanced, nutritional diet throughout the day. Slow realeasing Carbs and protein for breakfast and lunch should be simple carbs with simple protein.

3. For someone to loose weight no matter your size or weight. You are all individual and so we all have different weights. Special K is a Diet catered to the masses, its made for the general population, made from statistics. We are all different and so have all different BMR ( basil metabolic rate ) this means if you were to sit and do nothing all day your body would burn so many calories. If your body needs 1800 calories a day, to be able to loose weight you have to either hit that target or just go over it. Special K does not work in a Healthy Nutritional Manner and only works as it starves the body of good nutrition i.e what it needs.

In reference to why most people fail, when you start the Special K when most people get to day 5 they go in starvation mode and crave anything ! When the body gets a hold of whatever they crave it tends to get stored as fat as the body does not know when its next meal is - PEOPLE WANDER WHY CAMELS HAVE HUMPS SAME PRINCIPLE ITS STORED AS FAT AS THEY DONT KNOWWHEN THEIR NEXT MEAL IS ! -