What's the single most 'REPEATED' question I get asked at least 8-10 every week ?!..
*Hi James , Hope your ok ? What's the easiest way for me to lose Weight please ?*...
And the thing is . . . Let me explain it's NOT EASY ! And their is NO QUICK AND EASY WAY ! = FACT ! Anyone who states differently , whether being a product , a service , a health professional is talking completely and utter BOLLOCKS ! . . . Why ? Let me tell you why .
If I were to tell you that I James Hatton could get you to lose weight overnight or in 7 Days & keep it off . Christ i'd be a Billionaire and be all over the news but it's just not possible (Healthy wise anyways , but that's another story!) ... The fact is too lose weight it's not just a quick fix , it's a long hard road to work upon something , to work upon your craft , to work upon your goal , it's a Lifestyle Choice. Let me put this into perspective.
To lose weight - To gain weight - To learn to power-lift - To become fit for a marathon , we 1st must learn to Crawl ... then learn to walk ... then learn to run ... then learn to Sprint ... - it's a step by step process that needs to be broken down and work your way back up...
When a baby begins to learn to talk they 'NEVER' instantly talk they spend months sometimes years watching , listening and learning their surrounding movements and noises, off which they then learn to interpret into 'SPEECH' after months & months they learn *their 1st word* . The same goes for if we move a few years ahead. when you're in Reception / Primary School and you begin to learn your 1st word. Normally your name ... do you learn it straight away ? No course not you begin by learning the alphabet of which once you know you can then learn to spell out your name and even then you do it phonetically... etc... You want to learn to play football ?... You 1st must learn to CONTROL the ball ... move the ball ... why does it move the way it does ... learn to work as a team ... understand the rules <--- there's far more to the Answer then the simple question seems...
so let's go back to ,
* Hi James , Hope your ok ? What's the easiest way for me to lose weight please ? * . . .
There is no simple answer . . . we 1st must look into Consultation work ? Do you have allergies ? Medical problems ? Your Nutritional intake ? Why do you eat as you do ? What's your food likes/dislikes ? Your work schedule ? Your free-time available to work-out ? Your surrounding environment and family affairs ? Have you even been to the gym before ? What stopped you ? And Hundreds more . . . . we 1st must break DOWN BARRIERS BEFORE BUILDING THEM BACK UP ! = FACT ! . .
It's taken me Minimum 4 years or HARD LEARNING (books & learning & qualifications) PRACTICE - TRIAL & ERROR - and LEARNING FROM MISTAKES AND LEARNING FROM OTHERS + MOST IMPORTANTLY WORKING MY ARSE OF 24/7 (LIFESTYLE) ALONGSIDE GETTING MY NUTRITION RIGHT ! To be in the place that I am . . . . It's not Easy and it is Hard but you know what it's WORTH IT ! change your mind ! Change your Life !
- JLH - JLH - Fitness -