Monday, 20 February 2012

Your Ageing Through The Decades.

Your Ageing Through The Decades.

Here’s a quick glimpse at some of the age-related changes that do occur as we move through our decades. You may find it’s a surprisingly short list as other common signs of “ageing” have little to do with age and everything to do with lifestyle! Find below some basic points of what may happen to you as you Age.

20’s – The first signs of age appear in your skin as the collagen fibres that keep your skin taut begin to weaken.

30’s – By the end of the decade, you may find your first grey hair. Men may find their hair colour fading and their hair may start to disappear.

You’ve passed the halfway mark in terms of bone strength. During this decade bone breaks down faster than it builds up.

By the time you turn 39 you’ll probably find it harder to maintain your weight with the same/eating regimen you followed at the beginning of the decade. Your metabolism begins slowing – meaning its time that you begin to increase your physical activity.

This is the time when a women’s fertility begins waning. It may begin to take longer to get pregnant.

40’s – Unfortunately we have to accept YES! Wrinkles may appear. YES this is the time of your life when your first signs off wrinkles will begin to appear.

By the end of this decade you may find that your days of listening to music will be affected as at this stage your eardrums will have lost their elasticity affecting your hearing.

Oh Dear! YES another nuisance! Don’t forget your reading glasses! “The Question is not ‘if’ you’ll develop presbyopia a type of farsightedness, but ‘when’.    It occurs because the lens of your eye stiffens with age, making it more difficult to focus.”

50’s – To some this may be hard but we look down at our hands and we see out Grandmothers hands. Sadly though they are your hands. If you have brown spots/puffy veins on your skin this could be because of all those years you were previously in the sun. It’s the skins inability to rid itself of gunk called lipofuscin – produced when free radical build up in the skin.

Women early in this decade, will reach menopause. The average age of menopause in most countries is 52.

60’s –Even though you will not be able to see it, you may have small pockets throughout your intestines called diverticula. They WONT hurt you! Unless bits of digested food become caught in them. In which case they get inflamed and possibly infected. Prevention for this is to ensure you GET PLENTY of FIBRE.

Men may find that they will have urinary problems possibly because of an enlarged prostate.

Your risk of developing cataracts will increase. In which case your optician can spot this during a routine check-up. These can easily be removed with a routine minor surgery.

70’s & 80’s – The thing is, how you feel in your 70’s & 80’s really depends on how you spent the past six decades of your live. If you’ve NEVER EXERCISED, you SMOKED, DRANK, & stayed up for LATE-NIGHT TV regularly, you may find yourself FRAIL, with DIABETES, and HEART DISEASE and finding chromic pain from ARTHRITIS and possible memory loss FORGETTING SIMPLE THINGS!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Sugar Hunger Trap !

The white refined carbohydrates and sugar hunger trap!
Imagine a small child who has just eaten a huge bag of sweets. You know what happens next? His energy levels will be through the roof and you’ll practically have to peel him off the ceiling! Then before you know it he’ll crash, be irritable, unhappy and likely to cause a tantrum. The same thing happens to adults when we eat processed foods, only instead of having a tantrum, we reach for more comfort foods. Here’s how the chemistry works,
When you eat a bowl of Cereal, or pasta or a slice of cake…
Ø  Your blood sugar zooms up.
Ø  Your body starts to release more and more insulin to cope with the sudden increase.
Ø  This excess insulin now causes blood sugar levels to plummet.
Ø  As a result you feel hungry, tired and irritable!
Ø  You crave more food.
Ø  You gain more Weight.
More importantly the rapid changes in sugar levels can result in insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 Diabetes.
How can you stabilise your blood sugar?
Eating Protein (Eggs, Turkey, Chicken etc.) or unrefined carbohydrates (that’s brown rice, brown pasta and wheat or multigrain bread) prevents your blood sugar levels from spiking then plummeting, because their energy is released more slowly into your system causing a gradual rise in blood sugar levels.
When you stabilise your blood sugar,
Ø  You feel fuller for longer.
Ø  You will eat less.
Ø  You will have more energy.
Ø  You will feel happier.
Ø  You naturally lose weight.