Sunday 5 February 2012

Sugar Hunger Trap !

The white refined carbohydrates and sugar hunger trap!
Imagine a small child who has just eaten a huge bag of sweets. You know what happens next? His energy levels will be through the roof and you’ll practically have to peel him off the ceiling! Then before you know it he’ll crash, be irritable, unhappy and likely to cause a tantrum. The same thing happens to adults when we eat processed foods, only instead of having a tantrum, we reach for more comfort foods. Here’s how the chemistry works,
When you eat a bowl of Cereal, or pasta or a slice of cake…
Ø  Your blood sugar zooms up.
Ø  Your body starts to release more and more insulin to cope with the sudden increase.
Ø  This excess insulin now causes blood sugar levels to plummet.
Ø  As a result you feel hungry, tired and irritable!
Ø  You crave more food.
Ø  You gain more Weight.
More importantly the rapid changes in sugar levels can result in insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 Diabetes.
How can you stabilise your blood sugar?
Eating Protein (Eggs, Turkey, Chicken etc.) or unrefined carbohydrates (that’s brown rice, brown pasta and wheat or multigrain bread) prevents your blood sugar levels from spiking then plummeting, because their energy is released more slowly into your system causing a gradual rise in blood sugar levels.
When you stabilise your blood sugar,
Ø  You feel fuller for longer.
Ø  You will eat less.
Ø  You will have more energy.
Ø  You will feel happier.
Ø  You naturally lose weight.

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