** Sleeping Patterns **
- Have a read, some thought provoking points...-
Listening to Phil Learney's Podcast this Morning and he makes a Superb point in regards to sleep patterns. Too many people DO NOT ensure that they get themselves up at a set time or get into a set sleeping pattern. For example I always wake up at about 5:30-6:00am . What's even more important is because I'm so used to this sleeping pattern (this will happen to others) is that your Body Clock will and should naturally wake up just before that set time (before your Alarm actually goes off) Why? . . . Because your body associates STRESS with the Sound of your Alarm and so wakes itself up about 3-5 minutes prior to it actually going off.
So why is it at the Weekend we see people Sleeping in or Lying in ? When actually they should still even at the Weekend , wake up at their set time . Why ? Because it's the same theory as with Food. What your actually doing to your Body is 'BINGE SLEEPING' just like how people Binge Eat on Food. They're forcing their body back to sleep into an un-natural pattern of which it is NOT used to. Hence why we feel more groggy afterwards. Even worst what your really doing is making your Body Switch time zones. (from what it's normally used to) You may as well have been on a plane flight from New York to London as basically your giving yourself 'Jet Lag'.
Better to wake up at your normal time and have a 30 mins Nap in the afternoon then force your body into another time zone off which it will have to try to go back to it's normal sleeping pattern on the Monday again. Have a think about that ? . . .
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