Wednesday, 5 March 2014

- ** What makes a Good Coach/Trainer in a Nutshell ? ** -

I think it's time to tell a lot of people on here and to be fair it's something that many people are afraid to say but it needs to be said. What is good coaching ? . . . 

Is it results ? Maybe . . . 

Is it helping someone achieve their goals ? Maybe . . . 

Is it helping someone realize that they need to change their Mentality and habits towards food ? Maybe again . . . 

The FACT is . A good Coach or Trainer should realize that ' All Results Will Be Different ! ' Why ? . . . Because everyone is different. Everyone is Unique. And because, ' NOT EVERYONE NEEDS THE SAME THING ! ' 

There is NOT one Chosen Correct Method ! And most certainly any Coach should not implement what works for them MUST CLEARLY work for their Client ? NO ! This is Wrong you have to work to THEIR NEEDS ! Being a Trainer should make the individual or client understand more about themselves and learn to understand how THEIR own body works . Ensuring that they soon become at Peace with their own Bodies. That IS REAL COACHING / TRAINING !

Not the one's who put pressure on Clients to feel like they MUST PERFORM a set * DIET or TRAINING in order to make them feel like some sort of Circus Animal, for the sole purpose of before and after photo's . They should be able to maintain and slowly develop their own Physique, understanding how, why, and what effects their own Body creating a longer / lasting / and overall more Confident Individual who is Confident for who they are, and not trying to be someone else for who they are not ! FACT ! 

Stop Striving to be EXACTLY as someone else ! You are NOT THEM ! try to be the BEST YOU CAN BE ! That's Good Coaching ! That's Good Training ! Your Fix starts with Mentality 1st ! The rest all fits / slots into place . . .